Monday, January 9, 2012

A Dream and a Sports Blog...

     Imagine with me if you can, it’s a warm spring day the sun is out in all it’s warmth and glory. The smell of fresh cut grass and fresh chalk lines fill the air, it’s enough to make grown men flash back to the summer when they were 12 years old vying for the chance to compete in the Little League World Series. The aroma of a nice hot dog lingers and the cheers from the crowd snap you back to reality. It’s opening day for baseball in the united states.

     I can remember back to the days of my childhood when I first fell in love with the game of baseball…. To be honest I fell in love with all sports from football to hockey down to basketball, even though I was never that great at it. I used to shoot like Shaq before he ever made it look cool. There was just something about being on the playing field of all those sports that made my body tingle. Maybe it was the thought of hitting the winning home run in the Fall Classic or scoring the game winning touchdown in the Super Bowl, heck even dribbling when the buzzer sounded at the end of the NBA finals would have been soul satisfying .

     A true passion that made a boy strive and reach for his dreams to be that professional athlete that all the little kids looked up to, or to one day don the halls of Cooperstown or be enshrined in the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame or even forever be enbusted in Canton, Ohio with the greats like Rice, Montana, Brown, Bradshaw, Elway and many many more. Sadly enough sometimes a person pushes himself to the point where the body breaks down and can no longer attempt to be that person and he becomes a spectator.

     For me that was the biggest heaven sent gift other then marrying my beautiful wife, that God has ever blessed me with. The sheer joy of crunching numbers and stats and observing the games in all their glory, has made this once hopeful kid into a man longing to become a sports writer so he can witness the rise and successes of many talented rookies and legends in any sport. A new dream of giving a reader the same joy that has been bestowed onto me, is simple stellar. I hope that as my in depth analysis and opinion of the games can offer some sort of joy for my readers, I would also love to paint a picture of the game for my audience just like the late great Bill King use to do for me as he called many wonderful moments of bay area sports for me.

     So here is to many snaps, fastballs, puck drops and slam dunks in this road to a dream realization. Always know with great focus and determination your already a Hall of Famer…

Junior Zamarron

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